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Home > Consultant Enquiries > What are the rules for sending emails to contacts or databases?
What are the rules for sending emails to contacts or databases?
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We recommend you adhere to the following before emailing contacts or databases:

Under the Spam Act (2003), there are just three basic rules you need to know if you are sending emails promoting your products:

1. You MUST have the recipient’s consent.

2. You MUST identify yourself and explain how you can be contacted.

3. Your email MUST have an unsubscribe facility so that the recipient can elect not to receive emails from you in the future.

There are two types of consent for the purposes of the Spam Act.

Type 1. EXPRESS CONSENT is where a person has elected to receive correspondence from you. This could be: ticking a click box, exchanging business cards or completing an online form.


Type 2. INFERRED CONSENT does not involve a deliberate act giving permission to be sent emails. Rather, permission can be inferred from the conduct or relationship of the sender and the recipient. This communication MUST have an OPT OUT for the person, should they choose to no longer receive or, be contacted via email, from you.


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